Monday, February 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

"macabre: adjective - Upsetting or horrifying by association with death or injury; gruesome: synonym: ghastly. Constituting or including a representation of death."

The commander and owner of Wagner PMC Prigozhin trying to make a point. But doing so in a gruesome and obscene manner.

"Putin's Wagner chief revealed a huge pile of his mercenaries were killed in just one day as he accuses the defense chief of failing to provide his army with enough weapons - in a sign of a growing split within Russian forces."

PUBLISHED: 22 February 2023 | the article By WILL STEWART.

* "Wagner chief reveals huge pile of his mercenaries killed in one day as he continues to accuse 'treasonous' defense chief of failing to give his men ammo in sign of growing split within Russian forces" * "Wagner army lead Yevgeny Prigozhin accused minister Sergei Shoigu of lying" * "Photo shows fighters believed to have been killed in the past day near Bakhmut" 

"Putin's Wagner chief revealed a huge pile of his mercenaries were killed in just one day as he accuses the defense chief of failing to provide his army with enough weapons - in a sign of a growing split within Russian forces." 

Courtesy the image the Mail and thanks to same.

"He [Prigozhin] posted a macabre picture showing the bodies of dozens of fighters, believed to be around Bakhmut and killed in the past 24 hours, claiming the losses are five times greater due to the incompetence of top Russian commanders."

As it is for the Russian military man during the Ukraine Conflict so was it too during the Great War!

"Eastern Front. The impact of war seen in the hundreds of dead bodies lying in a wood after a mustard gas attack. The dead soldiers are probably Russian as they were not supplied with gas masks."

Never I suspect in whatever conflict has been the life of a Russian soldier ever been easy! The Russian muzhik [peasant] whether in the ranks of the military or as a civilian always fraught with danger from a variety of quarters.


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