Sunday, February 19, 2023


This is coolbert:

“'If it [the mission] includes interdicting arms smuggling at sea, then the risks can be quite significant if the smugglers decide to try fighting back during a boarding inspection,' . . . 'Similarly, if sailors are required to make landfall in Haiti to gather more intelligence on the situation there, they might encounter resistance from the gang.'” - Timothy Choi.

Haiti an unstable and lawless situation without mitigation. Enters the Canadian military? But only at sea.

"Canada sending two small, slow naval ships to Haiti: Here's what they might do there"

From the the article by Tom Blackwell | Feb 18, 2023  •  

"It's not clear what HMCS Moncton and HMCS Glace Bay can do to help Haiti alleviate its troubles — troubles that mostly exist on land, not at sea"

"Haiti is definitely a country in need. Armed gangs have taken control of much of the nation. Murder and kidnapping is rampant. And the government seems incapable of asserting its authority over the widespread lawlessness."

Indeed! Mr. Choi is correct! Interdiction of smugglers at sea their cargo drugs or weapons such encounters rife with great danger. I would like to think these Canadian vessels will include among the crew personnel such as U.S. Navy SEAL's able to handle or respond appropriately to violent situations.

The Canadian military back in 2007 proposed a Canadian Royal Marine commando regiment but evidently idea went nowhere as a result of budget constraints.

Bumblebee had better have some sting! And no SHORE LEAVE either!!


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