Wednesday, February 1, 2023


This is coolbert:

"It is not that I don't believe, it is that I don't want to believe."

WARNING: If you are easily disturbed by images of a graphic nature especially that showing human remains hit ESCAPE now!!

"Active Duty [Former] NATO-Country Troops Found Beheaded and Hands Cut-off in Soledar Ukraine"

From the Internet web site of the known American FBI controlled asset and provocateur HAL TURNER | 30 JANUARY 2023.

"Russian troops making successful progress into Soledar, Ukraine, are coming upon hideous scenes.  Former ACTIVE-DUTY NATO TROOPS, with their HEADS and HANDS CUT-OFF to prevent/Delay their identification.  Ukraine is desperate to conceal NATO active troops fighting Russians."

"The brief video below contains horrifying and graphic images of the dead bodies of NATO active duty troops, beheaded and without hands. The video shows gruesome and horrifying images of actual death.  Viewer discretion is strongly advised"

WARNING: Again, view the embedded video ONLY at your own risk.

From some comments to the Hal Turner post:

# Not to be gross — gjones7777 2023-01-30 14:52

"But....there's no frozen blood on wounds, no frozen blood on the ground. Looks to me like the head and hands were cut off after the body was frozen. Also, the cuts are very clean, like a saw was used since cutting frozen meat and bone is difficult with a knife of bayonet. Jmo"

# No blood on clothing. — Jessiebeaner 2023-01-30 17:25"

"I used to help butcher in the fall. If those body parts had been cut off before the body was frozen there would be blood drenched clothing."

Devoted readers to blog make what you want of this!


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