Thursday, January 5, 2023


This is coolbert:

“'At around 10.00 p.m. yesterday (Jan. 3), the anti-aircraft defense system was operating seven kilometers [about five miles] from the village of Sultan-Saly in Myasnikovsky district. A small object in the shape of a ball, which was flying freely with the wind, was detected at an altitude of 2.5 km [about one and one-half mile]. A decision was made to eliminate it,'” - Vasyl Golubev.

Russian air defense forces vicinity Rostov-on-Don on edge, uptight, nervous, spooked! Trigger happy!


"spook: verb [ T ] - to frighten a person or animal"

1. "Explosions heard in Rostov and Kursk"

From Ukrainian Truth | Ukrainska Pravda | January 3, 2023.

"On 3 January, residents and eyewitnesses reported the sounds of explosions in the Russian cities of Rostov-on-Don and Kursk."

"Source: Radio Liberty Russia, videos from local Russian Telegram channels"

"Details: In particular, residents are publishing photos and videos showing explosions in Russian cities."

"The published footage shows flashes in the sky and sounds of explosions."

"Petro Andryushchenko, the adviser to the mayor of the temporarily occupied Mariupol, also shared a video of the explosions in Rostov. He also claimed that residents of Rostov began discussing the likely location of the air defense system on the Internet."

Now for the rest of the story.

2. "Russian air defense downs balloon in Rostov Oblast"

From " The New Voice of Ukraine" | January 4, 2023 

"Having failed to destroy the drones that attacked airfields of the Russian Armed Forces, hosting, in particular, strategic aircraft, it finally showed at least some effectiveness by shooting down an object in the sky over Rostov Oblast, which, judging by the description of the local governor, Vasyl Golubev, was a balloon."

See previous blog entries here and here Ukrainian drone attack Russian air bases. Russian air defense now on high state of alert not wanting to have a repetition of previous events. They are going to light up the sky with air defense weapons at the slightest provocation or perceived provocation you can count on it!


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