Sunday, January 8, 2023

S & G.

This is coolbert:

 S & G =Salt and Gypsum.

Yevgenyy has mercenaries! Yevgenyy has hackers! Yevgenyy wants salt and gypsum??

This is what the battle for Bakhmut is all about??

S & G = Salt and gypsum.

"Russian mercenary boss says wants Ukraine's Bakhmut for its 'underground cities'"

From By Andrew Osborn January 7, 2023 that original story Reuters.

"LONDON (Reuters) - The founder of Russia's most high-profile mercenary group said on Saturday he wanted his forces and the regular Russian army to capture the small city of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine because it possessed 'underground cities' that can hold troops and tanks."

"Russia's grinding more than five months-long push to try to take Bakhmut has puzzled some Western military analysts who have said that heavy losses incurred on the Russian side and the fact that Ukraine has built defensive lines to fall back to nearby mean any Russian victory there, if it happens, would be pyrrhic."


"A White House official said on Thursday that Washington believed Prigozhin wanted to take control of salt and gypsum mines in the area for commercial reasons. It made no mention of their alleged subterranean military use."

An immense underground labyrinth of caves and tunnels vicinity Bakhmut containing vast quantities of salt and gypsum of commercial grade are the main objective? Also that enormous underground labyrinth contains significant quantities of military munitions stockpiled to include bang stuff as from the era of World War I?

To date the Russian expenditure of manpower and equipment a severe debit as compared to the asset value of those salt and gypsum mines?

Wagner PMC their command NOT subordinate to the Russian army? Yevgenyy allowed too much latitude with regard to mission? Much to the detriment of the Russian tactical / operational / strategic concerns?



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