Wednesday, January 25, 2023


This is coolbert:

“'The project benefits from all the uncertainty and speculation. Poseidon is primarily a psychological weapon,' . . .  'Submarines carrying them are likely tasked with launching the torpedo drones against high-value targets after a large-scale conventional or nuclear war has already been settled, wreaking havoc against an opponent’s coastal cities regardless of who wins,'” - Ina Holst-Pedersen Kvam.

Big bad Russian unmanned nuclear powered / autonomous torpedo n with large oversized nuclear warhead a severe danger to the USA without question.

Big bad Russian unmanned nuclear powered / autonomous torpedo with large oversized nuclear warhead now having been tested. Mockups at this stage of development only.

"Poseidon nuclear torpedo tested in Arctic waters is primarily a psychological weapon, expert says"

From the story byThomas Nilsen January 17, 2023.

"A series of throw tests of Poseidon mockups from the special purpose submarine 'Belgorod' is completed in the Barents Sea, but fully operative versions are likely years into the future."

"According to Russia’s state-run TASS news agency, dummy versions, so-called mockups, of the Poseidon torpedo have been launched at different depths 'to clarify the behavior of the submarine.'"

Big bad Russian unmanned nuclear powered / autonomous torpedo with large oversized nuclear warhead of stupendous size undeniably a great danger to USA, but primarily a psychological weapon and nothing more than that?

Poseidon, primarily psychological weapon to be used in case of a global thermonuclear war, destroying cities and port facilities via a tsunami of prodigious size everything for many miles inland destruction total and complete!

The Soviet Union during the time of the Cold War were very fond of boasting of weapons of enormous size and destructive power able to totally obliterate the United States if not the entire planet. Soviet weaponry was always the biggest and most powerful second to none!


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