Monday, January 23, 2023


This is coolbert:

"no firing within a two kilometer radius [1.2 mile] of the LAC, no usage of any dangerous chemical weapons, guns, or any kind of explosives will be allowed." 

LAC = Line of Actual Control.

As was originally reported in 2020 the Indian military now having taken counter-measures.

Fight fire with fire!

"Report: Indian Army Stocking up on Spiked Clubs After Chinese Massacre"

From the story by GABRIELLE REYES 19 Jun 2020.

"India’s Northern Command has commissioned lightweight riot gear and spiked clubs for its border forces following a deadly attack on Monday by China’s army, which saw the Chinese use batons wrapped in barbed wire to kill at least 20 Indian soldiers in the western Himalayas, India Today reported on Thursday."

"Following Monday’s bloody hand-to-hand combat, the Indian Army felt compelled to order the armor and spiked clubs to protect its soldiers from further ambushes by China’s army, 'a medieval adversary,'” 

And now for the rest of the story.

"India’s secret to fending off hordes of Chinese soldiers with nail-studded wooden clubs"

From | Samaan Lateef | January 22, 2023.

Troops of the Indian army [jawans] stationed along the India / China / Tibetan border receiving specialized martial arts training as a means to ward off attack by Chinese troops wielding improvised weaponry with deadly force!

"India’s answer is a crack team of 500 troops taught to speak Chinese, trained in 15 different Israeli and Japanese martial arts, and adept at defending themselves from whatever makeshift weapon comes their way."

This is almost reminiscent of the trench raid of World War I as it was over 100 years ago.

Almost 400 mi.² [1,000 sq. km] of land between India and China being seized by the Chinese army without even firing a shot

It has been 60 years now since that original Aksai Chin incident mortal combat the plateau of the high Himalaya. That border as disputed between the two nations not ever ameliorated by mediation, arbitration, or any sort of downright diplomacy or negotiation. Such a disagreement as not having been resolved in a period of 60 years, you can well assume it is not going to ever be resolved!


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