Saturday, January 21, 2023


This is coolbert:

Nothing like this since the flak tower of World War Two!

Moscow prepares for the worst?

PantsirS1 anti-aircraft system spotted atop a building Moscow!

"Something very similar to Pantsir-S1 missile system spotted on roof of Russias Defence Ministry in Moscow"

From the original story from "Ukrainska Pravda" | January 19, 2023.

"Russian media outlets and social media have been publishing photos and videos of what appear to be Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft gun missile systems installed on the roofs of several buildings in Moscow, in particular on top of the Ministry of Defence. It is not yet known whether the Russians have actually installed the rooftop weapons."

"Source: Meduza, a Latvia-based Russian media outlet; Russian BBC service; Novaya Gazeta. Europe"

"Details: Several videos posted on Russian Telegram channels apparently show a Pantsir-S1 air defense system being installed at 8 Teterinsky Lane, Moscow."

"OSINT analyst Michael Horowitz posted a photo of the Russian Defense Ministry building on the Frunzenskaya Embankment, where a Pantsir-S1 has also allegedly been installed."

Pantsir now having an unobstructed 360° field of fire can engage enemy aircraft approaching from any angle.

What is the Russian afraid of? I greatly doubt the Ukrainian Air Force intends for an aerial offensive against downtown Moscow. This seems to be almost out of the question at least from my perspective. Maybe the Russians know something we don’t know.

See previous blog entries the flak tower as an unique form of military structure from the era of World War Two:


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