Friday, January 20, 2023


This is coolbert:

To war with searchlight? At least to my knowledge there hasn't been such a use of searchlights during a time of war since Vietnam.


From the Internet webzine "Coffee or Die" | January 3, 2023 ·Nolan Peterson.

Consider the images as accompanying the "Coffee or Die" article.

Ukrainian using "technicals" as mobile anti-drone air defense.

Technical usually defined as a pick up truck with a heavy direct-fire weapon mounted to the bed of the truck.

In this case that heavy weapon a Soviet era DshK 12.7 mm [fifty caliber] machine gun. 

Ukrainian technical accompanied by a second vehicle equipped with a very intense searchlight able to illuminate incoming drones I suspect of the Iranian Shahed-136 variety. Drone flying at a speed similar to a helicopter a target that can be successfully engaged by the DshK!!

Low-level technology Ukrainian field expedient air defense crude but effective as they say? Proliferate the battlefield with these and you have one part of a solution to the Shahed-136 problem?

A Ukrainian mobile air defense unit on the lookout for Russian missile and drone strikes. Photo courtesy of Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

A Ukrainian mobile air defense unit on the lookout for Russian missile and drone strikes. Photo courtesy of Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

American helicopter the Vietnam War in the Firefly mode. High-power searchlight and 7.62 mm mini-gun. A deadly combination. Searchlight and mini-gun I do not believe linked. Where the searchlight illuminates is not where the rounds from the mini-gun will hit! See a web site devoted to a discussion of the Firefly.

Firefly having three possible separate meanings within the context of the Second-Indo China. 1. A senior commander hovering over the scene of a battle issuing orders to the troops. 2. A drone making overflights of North Vietnam during a photo reconnaissance mission. 3. Hunter-killer helicopter equipped with the searchlight and mini-gun.

It all seems so easy, doesn't it?


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