Saturday, January 7, 2023


This is coolbert:

Intel update British Ministry of Defense [MoD].

"Blasts at Russia’s Engels airfield complicate missile attacks on Ukraine, says UK intelligence"

From | January 5, 2023.

"A series of recent unexplained explosions at the Engels-2 airfield in Russia, thought by many to have been Ukrainian drone attacks, have complicated Russia’s campaign of missile attacks on Ukraine, the UK’s Defense Intelligence wrote on Twitter on Jan. 5."

Click on image [tweet MoD] to see an enlarged view!


* Attacks on the air fields Russian long-range aviation strategic aircraft not unexplained. Those attacks by Ukrainian Tu – 141 intelligence and surveillance drones perhaps sans warhead mandating a Russian protective response. Valuable and very limited in number combat aviation too valuable to be lost!

* Aircraft scattered to airfields in the Russian Far East out of range of the Tu – 141 Ukrainian drones. Backfire, Bear and Blackjack warplanes flown to safety beyond the range of any possible Ukrainian drone attack!

* Russian long-range aviation warplanes launching cruise missiles during the Ukraine Conflict using long-range aviation as stand-off weapon delivery systems. At extreme range Russian cruise missiles  can be launched at Ukrainian targets located 3,000 km [1,800 miles] away danger to the Russian warplanes nil!


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