Friday, January 27, 2023


This is coolbert:

Cemetery of the Wagner PMC the number of burials greatly [?] increased. Thank overhead satellite OSINT images.

"Wagner cemetery grows seven times bigger in just two months, satellite images show"

From | 25 January, 2023.

"As of January 24, satellite imagery shows that currently there are approximately 170 burial spots in the cemetery, which is 7 times more than it was 2 months ago"

"The New York Times reports that the information on the appearance of graves near the main training center of the Wagner Private Military Company in the village of Molkin was first made public in December by Vitaly Wotanovsky, an activist and a former officer of the Russian Air Force."

"Wotanovsky told the NYT that he visits cemeteries to document the deaths of Russians during the war in Ukraine. The location of the cemetery could have remained unknown, but the local residents told him that the area was being used for burying Wagner soldiers."

See all previous blog entries relevant to burial of war dead the Ukraine Conflict:


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