Wednesday, January 18, 2023


This is coolbert:

Consider this a form of grand strategy. While a war is being fought plan for the aftermath. Demining Ukrainian territory strewn with Russian land mines.

 "Cambodian experts begin training Ukrainian deminers"

From the story By SOPHENG CHEANG / today 17 January 2023.

"PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) — Fifteen Ukrainian deminers are being trained by experts in Cambodia who are among the world’s best because of experience from clearing the leftovers of nearly three decades of war."

"The Ukrainian deminers are being hosted by the Cambodian Mine Action Center, a government agency that oversees the clearing of land mines and unexploded ordnance in Cambodia. The weeklong program began Monday and is supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency."


"He said [Heng Ratana] the training will focus on mine clearing using technology including a Japanese detection device called the Advanced Landmine Imaging System."

"Cambodian deminers have become among the world’s most experienced, and several thousand have been sent in the past decade under U.N. auspices to work in Africa and the Middle East."

See this You Tube Video a machine currently at work the Ukraine. A demining tractor-like machine remotely operated.

"The Armtrac 400 is capable of clearing 2400 square meters [about 2,900 square yards] per hour and can be operated remotely"

"At the moment, it is the only machine of the kind in Ukraine, according to Diachenko."

"The Ukrainian Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources estimates it will take at least a decade to clear all the mines and explosives from the country."

Look at that soil! The black earth of the Eurasian steppe land. Just about the best crop land in the world. Farm land too valuable to be left fallow. Demining must commence and continue even while combat occurring.


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