Sunday, January 15, 2023

Deferment II.

This is coolbert:

Consider within context of the previous blog entry inside of my interest from over 60 years ago now

Young American men of conscription age call the draft in the USA being given a deferment if they were married you will not be inducted into the American armed forces.

Thanks to the New York Times in the original story by Tom wicker house on 60 years ago.

"KENNEDY ORDERS HALT IN DRAFTING OF MARRIED MEN; Status of 340,000 Affected  Inductees to Be Called Up at an Earlier Age Three Receive Pens U.S. HALTS DRAFT OF MARRIED MEN No Rush for Licenses Jerseyan Spared 'You Don't Go'"

By Tom Wicker Special To the New York Times Sept. 11, 1963.

"WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 President Kennedy signed an Executive order today that had the effect of halting the draft of married men into the armed forces. The order affects the draft status of 340,000."

All of this is occurring at a point in time prior to large scale American involvement and won’t became known as the Second Indo-china war.

That policy of deferring married men for conscription being done away with about two years later.

You can well imagine the consternation of young men already well-established in life; a marriage, a family, a house, a job, a good career having thought that they escape the military conscription of USA now induction into the USA armed forces and during a time of war.

At least during my active duty service US military during the Vietnam era I did encounter some of these people in basic training and they did have pronounced attitude and when I mean attitude I don’t mean good attitude I mean bad attitude some very bitter and very angry men who having their lot and station in life change dramatically and perhaps for the worse.

Let us just say that among these inductees these were not happy campers!


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