Monday, January 2, 2023

CoA Vlad.

This is coolbert: 

From the Internet website of the esteemed Israeli professor Professor Martin Van Creveld and thanks to same. Additional comments by the professor on the Ukraine Conflict. When Professor Van Creveld speaks we should all listening very closely

"Between Scylla and Charybdis"

CoA = courses of action.


"Almost a year after Putin launched his so-called special military operation against Ukraine, the war in that country has clearly turned into a struggle of attrition. Historically speaking, such struggles are by no means rare. Clausewitz, indeed, argued that any offensive that fails to break the enemy’s will and reach its objective within a reasonable time will end up as a war of attrition. conflicts in mind, let us examine the courses [of action] Putin still has open to him."

Key points and take away:

* "First, he may simply allow the war to go on just as it has over the last few months."

* "Second, he may mobilize additional forces, equip them with whatever weapons he still has in reserve or is able to produce, train them, and use them to launch more battlefield offensives."

* "Third, he may switch from trying to defeat his opponents’ armed forces in the field to attacking their rear."

* "Fourth, bring in Belarus."

President Vlad of Russia according to Professor Van Creveld does have additional options available. Options most people would consider to be unpalatable both for President Vlad and the world community as a whole

Let us hope that with regard to the Ukraine Conflict cooler heads will prevail an amicable and peaceful solution to the conflict found. However I remain pessimistic and skeptical!


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