Thursday, January 12, 2023


This is coolbert:

"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" - Shakespeare.

An apple doesn't fall very far from the tree!! Think the father Simon Mann and now the son Jack Mann!

"EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry's polo chum detained at airport in war-torn Libya after Maltese police challenged claim he was on mission to deliver medical training"


* "UN finds there was no breach of sanctions and no rules were breached"  * "Jack Mann was stopped moments before boarding private jet bound for the state" * "Maltese police challenged his claim to be delivering medical training to Libya"  * "The Foreign Office advises UK citizens against travel to the North African state" * "Mann recently appeared in the fourth episode of Sussexes' Netflix documentary"  

"One of Prince Harry’s closest friends was detained by security officials in war-torn Libya."


"Jack Mann, who served with the British Army in Iraq and Afghanistan, set up the private security company Alma Risk in 2015. He previously worked in Libya as country manager for another UK security company, Aegis Defense Services."

As for the adage that the apple does not fall fall far from the tree please recall from over a decade ago now the strange case of the father Simon Mann. Simon fomenting a coup d’état against the nation of Equatorial Guinea which became abortive. Simon ended up spending at least five years in prison for his failed efforts at coup d’état. Simon also moved in high circles knowing Mark Thatcher the son of Lady Thatcher. It seems that Jack is following in the footsteps of his father at least to some degree also having persons in high status who are his friends and even personal confidants.

For those of you who are interested, go to this web site and see the origins and meaning of the Shakespearean phrase: "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war"


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