Thursday, December 15, 2022


This is coolbert:

"For a people he does not really know for a cause he does not fully understand"

Young African student studying in Russia and serving time in prison for a drug charge released from custody to serve in Wagner PMC at the front lines has been killed in action his remains now repatriated to his native land.

"Zambia: repatriation of the remains of the student killed at the front in Ukraine"

From | 12/11/2022.

"The body of the Zambian student recruited from a Russian prison by the paramilitary group Wagner before being killed in fighting in Ukraine has..."

"The body of the Zambian student recruited in a Russian prison by the paramilitary group Wagner before being killed in fighting in Ukraine was repatriated from Russia to Lusaka on Sunday, AFP journalists noted."

"On the tarmac of the airport in the Zambian capital, a white hearse with windows adorned with small curtains revealed a coffin with roughly nailed boards and stamped with a code drawn in black marker and letters in the Cyrillic alphabet."

"Lemekhani Nyirenda, 23, who was serving a prison sentence near Moscow, was killed in September in Ukraine."

"The student at the Institute of Physical Engineering in Moscow was sentenced to nine years in prison in April 2020 for a drug case."

See previous blog entry the topic African students being recruited into the Russian military for the Ukraine conflict:


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