Tuesday, December 13, 2022


This is coolbert:

Partisans Ukraine Tatar style?

Both entries courtesy yahoo.com. Original Stories as seen at "The New Voice of Ukraine".

Partisan activity as favorable to the Ukraine cause and as perpetrated by Crimean Tatars arsonists. On a massive level and not spontaneous.

[The spelling of Tater or Tartar either one will suffice generally recognized as being correct]

1. "Casualties reported in large-scale fire incident in occupied Crimea"

December 10, 2022.

"Casualties have already been confirmed."

"The Krymsky Veter channel posted a video from the scene of the incident. The post specifies that the fire started at around 06:00 a.m. on Dec. 10."

"Those barracks could house from several hundred to several thousand people, Serhiy Bratchuk, an Odesa Oblast military administration official, wrote on Telegram.

"'At about 6 a.m. today. The barracks are on fire... There are dead and wounded people,' the message reads."

2. "Ukrainian partisans take responsibility for setting fire to Russian barracks in Crimea"

December 11, 2022.

“'The base of the conscripts of the army of the Russian Federation in the village of Sovetske in Ukrainian Crimea is on fire,' ATESH wrote."

ATESH those Tatar partisans as favorable to the Ukrainian cause!

“'Our agents worked pitch perfect. We worked on this ‘project’ for a long time and, of course, everything worked out for us. We will continue to destroy the Russian army from the inside.'”

"The partisans also added that there were victims as a result of the fire, and promised to publish a list at a later date."

The classical techniques of the partisans / Insurgent / guerrilla in operation. We commit arson, we snipe at enemy personnel, we employ IED, we attack any sort of vulnerable and unguarded target.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever as long as the Ukraine conflict persists.


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