Sunday, November 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

"knave,  scoundrel,  rogue,  villain,  rascal,  cad,  miscreant,  rapscallion,  heel,  scamp,  wretch,  bastard,  bounder,  abuse,  scalawag,  cur,  dog,  criminal, cad, blackguard, scoundrel, lout, rotter, blighter"

Be FOREWARNED! Spoiler not ahead!

"8 unmissable movies about the Netherlands in WWII"

Thanks to the article by SAMANTHA DIXON 2 May 2022.

"Being at home on Liberation Day is the perfect opportunity to catch up on some Dutch war flicks. Snuggle in and delve deep into the trials and tribulations experienced during the last major war." 

Consider in particular this "unmissable" movie a must see! I recommend highly without qualification or reservation! "Riphagen"!

"Riphagen is a WWII-crime thriller based on the life of Andries 'Al Capone' Riphagen. He was a boxer, a smuggler, pimp, but most fervently a Jew hunter who profited immensely from the war, tracking, extorting and betraying Jewish people in hiding. He imagines himself untouchable until the young police officer Jan van Liempd opens up a hunt for him."

Part I. Part II. Part III. You can get English sub-titles by fiddling with the settings.

Actually hard to watch. Scenes of extreme treachery as engaged in by the human species discomforting at a minimum.

Understand too of all the collaborationist government in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War Two the Dutch most notorious for their willingness to aid and abet the German.

I image this collaborationist behavior an aspect of Dutch history neither widely taught or appreciated in modern day Holland.


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