Saturday, November 19, 2022

FFH 331.

This is coolbert:

"Following their participation in RIMPAC, Her [His] Majesty’s Canadian Ships (HMCS) Vancouver [FFH 331] and Winnipeg continue to operate in the Indo-Pacific, where they will remain deployed until December 2022, on Operation (Op) PROJECTION and Operation NEON. - August 15, 2022 – Ottawa, ON.

Canada moves WEST!

HMCS warships on the move, the Pacific ocean. Canada is a Pacific power.

From the Toronto Star the original story Lee Berthiaume | The Canadian Press | Nov. 18, 2022

"Canadian military can work in Europe, Asia at same time: defense minister"

"OTTAWA - Defense Minister Anita Anand pushed back on Friday against suggestions that growing Canada’s military’s footprint in Asia will come at a cost to the country’s long-standing commitments to Europe, where NATO allies are expecting to see more Canadian troops."

"The issue emerged after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced at an international summit in Bangkok that the government’s new Indo-Pacific strategy will include 'increased defense investments' to ensure peace and stability in the region."

"While the prime minister did not offer further details, the statement followed the government’s decision in the summer to send two Royal Canadian Navy frigates to the Asia-Pacific region at the same time, as a sign of Canada’s increased engagement."

1. Canadians are even aware [?] their nation operates on the scale of geo-politics to include the Indo-`Pacific oceans area. 2. Besides warships [only a very limited number] the Canadian can make valuable contributions in the manner of naval aviation surveillance warplanes. 3. I suspect this is a response of a coalition of nations their concerns Taiwan and the South China Sea.


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