Tuesday, November 15, 2022


This is coolbert:

Claude Berube speaks! Thanks to Commander Salamander.

Hoist the Flag and Sound the Trumpet

"Following is an address delivered by Claude Berube, PhD in which he was asked to address the issue of readiness for war at the Annual Congress of the Naval Order of the United States. I asked him to make it available here."

November 14, 2022.

With particular interest to a graphic as presented by Claude Berube:

"How do you quantify administration interest in the Navy? We can start with a simple criterion. Under the current administration, it took more than 200 days for a Secretary of the Navy to be confirmed – that’s a longer period from inauguration to confirmation than any other presidency."

Click on image to see an enlarged view.

From that period of William Henry Harrison through the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt [1841 through 1945] that time of confirmation of a Secretary of the Navy usually measured in days, often less than a week. The current confirmation process now taking many months to include beyond a half-year for the current Biden administration! Those administrations since the time of President Bush the Elder time before confirmation markedly increased!

Realize that the USA military is best defined as a naval power and not a land power. From the time of the Barbary Wars, the USA military has through sea power projected power to all points of the world in furtherance of national interests as perceived.

Devoted readers to the blog will have to judge for themselves the significance of the graph and correct interpretation thereof. 


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