Monday, November 14, 2022


This is coolbert:

Courtesy the Lew Rockwell Internet web site the links to a number of Charles Burris articles the topic the Great War [WW1].

1. "Aftermath, By Siegfried Sassoon".

"Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day to commemorate that at 11:00 0’Clock on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 a formal armistice was concluded ending hostilities of the greatest conflagration and warfare in world history up to that point. This grim sardonic poem, Aftermath, captures the senseless tragedy and banal futility of that conflict."

2. "Paths of Glory".

"Stanley Kubrick’s searing cinematic masterpiece indicting mendacious incompetents leading French troops to the slaughter during the Great War was forbidden in France for decades."

See also:

See additionally:

3. "Royal Cousins At War".

"In May 1910, the monarchies of Europe came together in London, in an opulent show of strength, for the funeral of Edward VII. War and revolution in the ensuing decade heaped assassination, defeat and exile upon them. Theo Aronson portrays the European Royal Families at War."

4. "Analyzing 'The Why' Behind The Great War".



5. "World War I: The American Legacy".

"My grandfather [Burris?] severed in The Great War (The First World War) in the Meuse-Argonne campaign with General John J. Pershing, I wish I had listened more carefully to his recounting of his tales in the Argonne forest when I was a young teenager. Luckily there are excellent documentaries such as this one that can relay some of the story of the War to present generations."

Lew Rockwell self-admitted anti-state•anti-war•pro-market and proud of it.


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