Saturday, October 29, 2022


This is coolbert:

HOT off the presses. The Ukraine Conflict. Ukraine strikes back. Black Sea combat.

"Shocking video shows 'massive' attack by drone boats targeting Russia's Black Sea Fleet"

From the article by Kenneth Niemeyer October 29, 2022.

Unmanned surface vessel [USV] combat style. Ukrainian unmanned and evidently remotely-controlled fast-mover boats laden with an enormous weapons charge attack Russian naval warships the Black Sea.

* "Video shows drone boats attacking Russian ships on the coast of Crimea on Saturday."

* "The Russian Defense Ministry said after the attack that it paused its grain deal with Ukraine."

* "The Defense Ministry called the attack a 'terrorist act.'"

NO comrade, this is not a terrorist attack. Military men fighting other military men on the high seas not terrorism as the word and term terrorism normally defined.

Naval warfare with only rare exceptions "clear"! Civilians all clear, generally if not almost exclusively so military man versus military man. Clean and fair.

See also the embedded videos. Attacks not successful but they do not necessarily have to achieve all goals. Russian must now beware all the time and dissipate valuable assets in defense. 

I await the news from the H. I. Sutton Internet web site "Covert Shores" on the this particular incident.


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