Friday, October 28, 2022


This is coolbert:

Consider this You Tube video so apropos when in context of my recent blog entry.

"But in this content, we will look at how this drone works, the Moped engine behind it, and The basic step-by-step process of how this works."

"It wouldn't be fair if the pros and cons are not analyzed and how they are being tackled and how to counter the drones with old and new Weapon."


* GLONASS than GPS for guidance. GLONASS the Russian analog system to GPS.

* Rapid-fire German anti-aircraft gun Gepard or Soviet era ZU-23-2 a dual-barrel autocannon the preferred weapons of choice. USA VAMPIRE system not mentioned.

* Shahed always [?] as part of a swarm, not individually?

* In countering the Shahed the less sophisticated the defending weapon system the better?


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