Monday, October 17, 2022


This is coolbert:

"the aircraft [Roc] is being prepared for an upcoming test flight that is reported to include the separation drop-test of an unmanned Talon-A hypersonic mock-up that is being referred to as 'Talon-0' for this reported upcoming test."

Roc! Paul Allen. Business partner of the world famous Bill Gates. Paul for a long time always among the top half-dozen to dozen richest persons on the planet.

Roc = "The roc is an enormous legendary bird of prey in the popular mythology of the Middle East."

"World's Largest Airplane Prepares For Reported In-Flight Drop Test Of Hypersonic Vehicle"

From the article by TYLER DURDEN | OCT 15, 2022.

"The aerospace venture established by late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is preparing to fly the world's largest airplane in an upcoming flight test that is reported to include a separation drop-test of a hypersonic vehicle." 

Roc actually two large-sized commercial type airplanes joined by a section of wing. Click on image to see an enlarged view. See the inset the mock-up a hypersonic missile ready for test.


"TA-0, unfortunately, is not a full-fledged implementation of the Talon-A type device. The TA-0 does not have a hypersonic jet engine, and its purpose is to test a system that will hold the device under the wing of the Roc aircraft and release it into free flight at high altitude. At the moment, Stratolaunch has not yet published enough information about the features of the TA-0, it is not yet known whether it will be able to glide and land on the runway itself, or descend using a parachute."

Consider this only an in-flight evaluation and drop test? Free-flight of the hypersonic missile even if not a "full-fledged implementation" of a fire-able weapon system.


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