Monday, October 3, 2022


This is coolbert:

"'They treated us like animals,' . . .'It was impossible to eat. We were given 30 seconds to eat. You had to eat everything you could in 30 seconds. The bread was deliberately very stale - the boys who had their teeth knocked out did not have time to eat. It was just 30 seconds and then you had to stop. Then you had to immediately get up and run. It was like that all the time,'" - Dianov.

See previous blog entry, the Ukrainian prisoner of war Mykhailo Dianov and his ordeal.

"Marine Mykhailo Dianov talks about torture and abuse in Russian captivity"

From "The New Voice of Ukraine" October 2, 2022.

Major clarification:  Mykhailo Dianov a senior sergeant of the 36th [Marine] brigade. Not a member of the Azov battalion.

"Dianov was among those who were held by the occupiers in the prison in Olenivka in the occupied part of Donetsk region. In an interview with UK broadcaster Sky News, Dianov described the prison as a concentration camp."

"He said the Russians brutally treated the prisoners from Azovstal — they stripped, beat, scotch-taped and humiliated them. The invaders also tortured the Ukrainian defenders with hunger."

Devoted readers to the blog please read the entire article.

Mykhailo having lost forty kilograms of weight in four months of imprisonment. That is nearly eighty-eight pounds!!


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