Saturday, October 29, 2022


This is coolbert:

As it was in Korea seventy years ago as it is now in the Ukraine 2022?

American bio-warfare waged against the Russian surreptitiously using mosquitoes as vectors? 

From the article by ALONA MAZURENKO – FRIDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2022.

"Combat mosquitoes" follow 'dirty bomb': Russian representative to UN tells more frenzied lies"

American drones carrying disease carry biting mosquito insect vectors being used to wage bio-warfare the Ukraine Conflict? Bio-warfare agents presumably a product of the "American" bio-labs Ukraine being release via drone. 

"Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, has said that the Russian occupiers allegedly discovered drones in Ukraine that can 'spread mosquitoes infected with dangerous viruses.'"

Details: "the Russian diplomat claimed that in March, Russian troops who were stationed in Kherson Oblast discovered 'three drones equipped with 30-litre containers that can be used to spray biologically active substances'."


Quote from Nebenzya: "According to the description, such a drone transports a container with a large number of mosquitoes, the carriers of infections, to a targeted area and releases them."

See from the wiki allegations of the American military waging bio-warfare during the Korean Conflict.

See also from the wiki the Japanese infamous Unit 731 and their actual use of biological agents and deadly pathogens during World War Two. Insects as vectors for delivery of plague pathogens delivered by ceramic bombs over Chinese civilian populations.


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