Tuesday, October 25, 2022


This is coolbert:

Danger if red. Danger if white. Take your pick.

"Wagner Group recruits large number of prisoners with HIV and hepatitis, marking them with wristbands"

Russian Wagner Group private military contractor recruiting convicts for combat the Ukraine Conflict a percentage of those released as contracted having been found to be infected with highly contagious and lethal blood-borne disease.

From Ukrainska Pravda the article by STANISLAV POHORILOV — 25 OCTOBER.

"The Russian private military company Wagner has started to recruit large numbers of prisoners who are suffering from serious infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C for the war in Ukraine. The phenomenon has already become widespread."

"Source: press service of Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence"

"Details: The fact that more than a hundred prisoners with confirmed HIV or hepatitis C have been recruited at Penal Colony No. 5 in Metalostroy (Leningrad Oblast, Russia) alone shows that this phenomenon is widespread."

Phenomenon widespread and requiring those infected individuals to carry a special wristband marking?

"The Wagner Group command 'marks' the infected soldiers by forcing prisoners to wear red wristbands if they are HIV-positive and white ones if they have hepatitis."

As is obvious battlefield wounding of such individuals might produce a profuse flow of infected blood that can pose a danger to those medical personnel treating the wounded.

Normally individuals infected with blood-borne disease would be precluded from any sort of military service and combat duty. In the case of mercenary cut-throat convicts this evidently is not so.

See too this dailymail.co.uk article the Wagner PMC boss Prigozhin and his relationship to Vlad Putin.


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