Wednesday, October 5, 2022


This is coolbert:

Criticism of the Russian military openly expressed by the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov. A strong ally of Vlad Putin very loudly sounding his concerns in a manner that does make for the necessary cohesion from the Kremlin perspective a united front desirable within the context of the Ukraine Conflict.

Alarm bells going off all over the place?

"Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov blames Russian commander Alexander Lapin for loss in Lyman"

Thanks to the story by Matthew Roscoe • 01 October 2022 • 

"CHECHEN leader Ramzan Kadyrov has immediately taken to Telegram to blame Russian commander Alexander Lapin for Russia’s retreat in Lyman, Ukraine."

"Ramzan Kadyrov blamed Colonel General Oleksandr Lapin, who commanded the defense of this section of the front, for the loss of Lyman."

“'I have always said: there is nothing better than the truth, however bitter and hurtful, but the truth,' he said."

“'It is the only way to move forward. That is why I cannot keep quiet about what happened in Krasny Lyman.'”

Leadership those distinct ethnic units the Russian army DISCORD now being sounded? Ethnicities such as the Dagestani, Chechen. Buryat. 

Kadyrov in particular a real enthusiast for the war extremely loyal to Vlad, the Chechen leader even boasting of his hand-picked personnel functioning as shock troops. The chickens now are coming home to roost?


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