Sunday, October 16, 2022


This is coolbert:

Russian conscripts, those recently mobilized and convicts as volunteering to fight in the Ukraine Conflict already have seen combat action? That was quick. A week or so of brisk training and off to battle.

1. "Conscript arrival -- and demise -- creates new crisis for Putin"

ED MORRISSEY 5:37 AM on October 14, 2022

"Even the solutions turn into problems for Vladimir Putin in Ukraine — big problems. Less than a month after announcing a 'partial' mobilization, Russian conscripts have entered into combat in Luhansk. And it appears that they are exiting [killed-in-action] almost as quickly, provoking even more backlash from nationalist milbloggers [Russian] who are increasingly balking at Putin’s propaganda."

Consider that when the Russian milbloggers become discouraged with the entire Conflict that is a serious sign of trouble.

"The Ukrainians reported their arrival [and capture] in combat areas yesterday. Serhii Haidai, the top military official [Ukrainian] in Luhansk Oblast, claimed that the first conscript wave consisted mainly of ex-convicts"

Convicts perhaps without exception making for poor soldiers. Totally lacking of any sort of self-discipline, often taking advantage of a chaotic situation allowing them to continue their criminal behavior.

2. "'Pure cannon fodder': BBC on deaths of recently conscripted Russians"

From article by KATERYNA TYSHCHENKO – 13 OCTOBER 2022.

"Russia has acknowledged the deaths of several of its conscripts in Ukraine. Russian media reports that these soldiers have been sent to the front without training."

Even if those mobilized had prior military experience and training merely committing them to combat in such a short period of time probably greatly counter-productive. An already bad situation becomes worse.


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