Saturday, October 1, 2022

D.J. Trump.

This is coolbert:

The tussle in Ukraine having entered a new and potentially monumentally more violent stage [the possible use of atomic munitions], an offer of negotiations to end or ameliorate the threat to human civilization is put forward.

President Trump offering his good offices as head negotiator.

"Trump Offers to Lead Negotiations to End Russian Invasion of Ukraine: ‘The Entire World is at Stake’"

From the article by Colby Hall Sep 28th, 2022.

"Former President Donald Trump is so concerned about the state of global diplomacy that he has offered to negotiate a deal 'NOW' because 'the entire world is at state.'”

"Trump took to TruthSocial to comment on recent explosions that have disabled the Russian Nordstream oil pipelines in what European leaders — and Fox News host Tucker Carlson — have called sabotage."

Click on image to see an enlarged view of the entire Trump statement.

"Trump appeared to mock the Biden administration by opening with US 'Leadership' in ironically-detached scare quotes before saying that the recent dismantling of the pipeline is a 'big event' but 'should not entail a big solution.' Of course, he noted that 'The Russian/Ukraine catastrophe should NEVER have happened, and would definitely not have happened if I were President.'”

Given the current apparent intransigence of both Putin and Zelensky I doubt an easy solution to the current situation is likely. Further war with the threat of nuclear escalation at least a possible. Some serious DEAL making is needed and now!


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