Wednesday, September 28, 2022


This is coolbert:

More on the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipe line. Underwater natural gas [NG] pipelines the Baltic. Europe freezes to death in the dark?

Thanks to "Zero Hedge" the article by  TYLER DURDEN SEP 27, 2022.

"EU Chief Calls Nord Stream Attack 'Sabotage', Warns Of 'Strongest Possible Response'"

"Earlier, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen described the three separate leaks on NS1 and NS2 as 'deliberate acts,' adding: 'It’s hard to imagine that it’s accidental.'"

Three incidents of apparent sabotage of the NG pipelines simultaneously to even try to imagine anything like an accident absurd.

That "strongest possible response" I cannot even imagine what the militarily weak EU has in mind. And as to WHO exactly is the culprit we must wait and see?


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