Monday, September 19, 2022


This is coolbert:

In a planned and orderly withdrawal from the battlefield such important equipment would not abandoned. And if was left behind would have been destroyed?

"Ukraine Just Captured Another Rare Russian Electronic Warfare [EW] Vehicle"

BY ADMIN · September 16 2022 original story from

Russian Taran-M electronic-warfare equipment of value captured the Kharkov sector?

"The potential intelligence windfall from the electronic warfare battle in Ukraine continues, with the first confirmed capture of a vehicle from the Russian Taran-M signals intelligence, or SIGINT, system. The vehicle, captured by Ukrainian forces in the ongoing counter-offensive in the east of the country, is the latest addition to a growing collection of seized modern Russian electronic warfare (EW) equipment, which ranges from containerized components of vehicle-borne systems to airborne jamming pods."

"The R-381T2M doesn’t perhaps offer the kind of intelligence goldmine as the Krasukha-4 mobile EW system, part of which was captured by Ukraine earlier in the war. Nevertheless, it still would be of very significant interest to military intelligence agencies, especially those of the United States, providing an idea of the kinds of battlefield SIGINT capabilities that Russia can currently bring to bear, as well as its differences compared to the original Taran system."


* Consider this only a partial capture the Taran-M EW system?

* Documents and operational personnel the Taran-M also captured? 

* American intelligence services I am sure immensely interested in the Taran-M.

Consider this once again this capture an indicator the Russian withdrawal the Kharkov sector not so planned and done in a cool and deliberate manner. Such valuable equipment would not be left behind so easily?


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