Monday, September 12, 2022


This is coolbert:

NATO si, sisu no!

Hell, the shooting hasn't even started!

"Record Numbers Have Quit Finland Army Reserves Since Russia Invasion"

From the story by CHRIS TOMLINSON 10 Sep 2022.

"A record number of people in Finland’s army reserve have switched to civilian service this year following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Officials claim the trend does not pose difficulties for the country’s national defense."

"The number of requests to be transferred from the army reserve to civilian service has surged this year, from just 460 applications in 2021 to over 3,300 so far this year. The trend started at the beginning of the year but surged in March following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February."

Sir John Keegan rating the Finnish soldier as the BEST during the Second World War.

Sisu the Finnish national characteristic of courage and determination in the face of adversity.

"Sisu' in Finnish means strength, perseverance in a task that for some may seem crazy to undertake, almost hopeless"

The modern Finn lacking? I think not.


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