Wednesday, September 7, 2022


This is coolbert:

To be honest I am almost surprised it has not come to this by now.

Truce followed by peace negotiation the Ukraine Conflict?

"Retired US General Tells Ukraine 'Better To Negotiate Now Than Later'"

From the article BY TYLER DURDEN SEP 05, 2022.

War munitions stockpiles NATO/Ukraine/Russia running low? Combat at a frenzied pace cannot continue for long. A stalemated situation is facing both sides. Negotiate now! So says retired American General Mark T. Kimmitt!

"A retired Pentagon general[Kimmitt] has issued a rare call for Ukraine to immediately enter negotiations with Russia toward finding a peaceful solution to the now six-month long war. This comes after weeks of reports of a 'stalemated' battlefield along eastern and southern lines, and amid Western leaders increasingly acknowledging "uncomfortably low" and depleted weapons stockpiles."


"He [Kimmitt] wrote in the Thursday article that 'older and less advanced' systems which are increasingly making up the bulk of what's now being supplied 'may indicate that battlefield consumption rates have outpaced production to a point where excess inventories provided to Ukraine are nearly exhausted.'"

My thought has been for some time the Ukraine Conflict would have ending similar to the Winter War of 1940. Four months or so of intense fighting followed by a truce, negotiations, an agreed upon settlement. But this has not occurred. NATO further supplying munitions to the Ukrainian will mean "stripping the cupboard" bare of contingency stockpiles those member states of NATO as deemed necessary for their own defense.

Cost and time to replenish necessary war-making stuff exorbitant.


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