Tuesday, September 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

WARNING: If you are easily distressed by images of an intense and adult nature that can cause extreme emotional distress please hit escape now! 

"Appeal raises $135,000 for a released Ukrainian POW to help with medical expenses after his brutal treatment by Russian captors"

From yahoo.com the story by Bethany Dawson September 25, 2022. Original story from "Business Insider"

See the image and read the story, the saga of Mykhailo. A member of the Ukrainian Azov battalion captured at Mariupol? Subjected to extreme brutal treatment as a prisoner-of-war.

Dianov before and after Russian captivity.

* "More than $130,000 has been raised for a Ukrainian man who was held as a POW by Russian" captors.

* "Photos of Dianov show him severely emaciated and scarred after his time in prison."

* "He has a scar on his elbow caused by rusty pliers being used to pull a foreign object out of his arm."

For comparison in the historical context see this image captives of the Japanese during WW2 their physical state after three and one-half years of starvation and general mistreatment.


* My instantaneous reaction was that this was NOT a before and after image of Mykhailo. That is NOT the same person! Such is the state of deterioration in the man that for me it is HARD to tell that is Dianov!

* For anyone to become so emaciated in that short of time will cause dramatic disintegration of internal organs and the entire physical well-being. Outward appearances even bad as is shown alone do not indicate the damage in totality done to Mykhailo. 

* It might be the Russian did single out members of the Azov battalion of exceedingly harsh mistreatment even way beyond the norm. Prisoners their lives forfeit.


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