Thursday, September 22, 2022


This is coolbert:

"Anti-patriotic (actions or diction) and military service-related ill behaviors are the worst crimes which celebrities and public figures should never be making. Those are even worse than physical violation and drug issues… In case of military service, the condemnation can follow the person (who committed fraud in relevant fields) for years like a scarlet letter. These two issues are inexcusable… Male entertainers, out of fear that their fame will fade and their names be forgotten, commit various illicit acts to get exempted from military duty. But I sincerely hope that they can stop the act."

Fallout from the announcement by Vlad Putin of a partial mobilization of Russian military reservists for the Ukraine Conflict.

"Search requests for how to break limbs 'painlessly' trend after Putin’s ‘mobilization’ announcement"

"Flights out of Russia quickly sold out following the announcement of the country's first military mobilization since the Second World War"

Thanks to the National Post Staff Sep 21, 2022  •  

"Google saw a spike in searches for how to break a limb painlessly in the wake of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s mass mobilization order, according to media reports."

"In what would be Russia’s first mobilization since the Second World War, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said in a televised interview that 300,000 reservists with relevant combat and service experience initially would be mobilized. The reservists’ main task, according to Shoigu, will be to reinforce the front line in Ukraine, which is currently over 1,000 kilometres long [about six-hundred miles]."

Is there a way to break bones painlessly? Rather I would not like to even find out. Cutting off the index fingers of both hands also a way to go? I speak in a jocular but somewhat serious manner. 

Such behavior also in peacetime to avoid a mobilization or even conscription hardly confined to Russia. See this item a young South Korean celebrity figure having his four front [?] teeth pulled to avoid conscription".


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