Tuesday, September 20, 2022


This is coolbert:

More mortar stuff the Russian army.

"New mortars for the Russian Army"

From www.edrmagazine.eu the story By Paolo Valpolini 29/08/2018.

"While increasing the firepower of its long-range artillery, the Russian Army is not neglecting the 'infantryman artillery', that is mortars. Two new systems of that category were exhibited in the Uralvagonzavod stand, both in the 82 mm caliber, the mortars being developed by the Burevestnik Institute."

Two new Russian infantry mortars. One a standard mortar of 82 mm caliber and designed with mountain and airborne units in mind. The second a spigot mortar presumably to be used by Russian special purpose [spetsnaz] units. That spigot mortar referred to as "silenced".

See the You Tube video a description of the spigot mortar 2B25.

"The Russian 2B25 Mortar is often described in the media as 'cutting edge' but its actually based on century old technology - it's a spigot mortar! In this video we'll explore how the 2B25 works and just what is a 'spigot mortar'!"

Traditionally as mentioned in the previous blog entry the Soviet/Russian army infatuated and very fond of larger-sized mortars, cast-iron smooth-bore weapons firing cast-iron mortar bombs [rounds in American military parlance]. You can manufacture many more cheaper and easier.

Now the Russian goes more for high-tech mortars?

That one Soviet spetsnaz troop with combat experience in Afghan said the only western nation small-arms superior to the Soviet version were American mortars.

It is easy for me to imagine the spetsnaz unit attacking and destroying NATO warplanes parked on the tarmac with this mortar. No need to get within whites-of-the-eyes distance.


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