Thursday, August 4, 2022


This is coolbert:

Crimea the Russian navy Black Sea HQ attacked! 

Sounds like insurgents/partisans/guerrillas. Drone dropping a minor amount of injurious munitions but not so excessively so.

1. "Ukraine attacks Russian Black Sea Fleet HQ: authorities"

From July 31, 2022.

"STORY: Ukrainian forces struck the headquarters of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Russian-held Sevastopol early on Sunday (July 31)."

"That's according to the Crimean port city's governor.

2. "Russia claims five injured in Ukraine drone attack on Black Sea fleet HQ"

From the online edition of the British "The Guardian".

"Ukraine does not confirm involvement in Sevastopol attack, while Russia cancels Navy Day events"

"A Russian navy ship docked in Sevastopol, Crimea, in the Black Sea. Russian officials say a Ukrainian drone has struck the headquarters of its Black Sea fleet.

Recall that Crimea prior to 2014 was an integral part of Ukraine. The annexation of Crimea and incorporation of the area into Russia has not been acknowledged by Kiev as a legitimate and lawful action. An attack of Russian interests Crimea is NOT SEEN in Kiev as an attack on Russian sovereign territory.


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