Sunday, August 21, 2022


This is coolbert:

"Russia properly notified the United States under its New START treaty obligations that it planned to test this ICBM. Such testing is routine and was not a surprise. We did not deem the test to be a threat to the United States or its allies," - US Defense Department spokesperson John Kirby.

The USA hesitates to scare the Russian but the Russian does not hesitate to scare the USA?

I vaguely recall this from back in April of this year but had to refresh my memory.

"Russia successfully launches ICBM Sarmat from Plesetsk spaceport"

By Al Mayadeen Net | 20 Apr 2022.

Russian dooms-day missile Sarmat [NATO code name Satan-2] flight tested with all systems working properly! A missile with multiple warheads and according to the Russian only three missiles of which would be needed to destroy the American state of Texas.

"Today, at 15:12 Moscow time [12:12 GMT], at the Plesetsk State Test Cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk Region, a Sarmat fixed-based intercontinental ballistic missile was successfully launched from a silo launcher," 

Vlad personally watching via live video feed!

See previous blog entries the USA postponing routine test flights of Minuteman III to assuage the tender feelings of the Russian and Chinese respectively. The USA mollifies the Russian and Chinese but the Russian and Chinese do not mollify the American:


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