Friday, July 22, 2022


This is coolbert:

Largest nuclear power plant in the world with six working reactors threatened in a manner that might result in catastrophic and apocalyptic melt-down with tens of thousand of years of desolation from radioactive release a consequence?

"The occupiers [Russians] have brought military equipment and armaments into the engine room of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Energoatom"

From "UKRAINSKA PRAVDA" – 21 JULY 2022 the tip courtesy

Russians using a nuclear power plant as a "shield" to war off Ukrainian attack? A war crime?

"The occupiers [Russians] have brought at least 14 pieces of heavy military equipment with ammunition loads, armaments and explosives into the engine room of the 1st power unit of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP)."

Quote: "The whole arsenal of heavy military equipment that had been brought into the engine room with all its ammunition is now located near the equipment that operates the work of the turbo generator. That is, the military equipment is located in close proximity to the main oil tank which contains easily flammable oil that cools down the steam turbine. There is also explosive hydrogen there used for cooling down the generator"

Th use of human shields is a VIOLATION of the laws of land warfare. To what extent shielding weapons systems and/or the ammunition for same in an IMMENSELY critical facility as a nuclear power plant ALSO can be deemed as a VIOLATION of the laws of land warfare?

Of this I am not sure. And how RELIABLE in Ukrainian Truth in such matters?


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