Tuesday, July 19, 2022


 This is coolbert:

More Russian missteps the Ukraine Conflict?

"Russians invaded Ukraine with maps from 1969 The Security Service of Ukraine"

From UKRAINSKA PRAVDA – 18 JULY 2022. [Ukrainian Truth]

Source: Security Service of Ukraine on Telegram:

"The Security Service of Ukraine has established that part of the Russian command in February was guided by topographical maps of Ukraine from the last century."

"Details: The documents were seized on the spot in the districts of Kharkiv Oblast temporarily occupied by the Russians. In particular, the maps of the motorized rifle battalion of the 138th Separate Guards Motor Rifle Brigade had not been updated for at least 53 years (since 1969)."

Need I say that in a fifty-three year period the topography of the landscape in some areas has changed markedly so!

HEY! I thought the Soviet/Russian military map-making skills were without peer. An attention to detail profound!


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