Tuesday, July 26, 2022


This is coolbert:

Here begins a series of blog entries, short and terse and to the point, the Ukraine Conflict, original stories from "Ukrayinska Pravda". Ukrainian Truth. All tips courtesy yahoo.com

The veracity of "Truth" I am unable to confirm or deny or will even attempt to do so. Stories to the extent as described have a certain plausible credibility about them is the best I can say. 

"The police have uncovered a network of Russian artillery spotters in Toretsk in the Donetsk region."

Source: National Police of Ukraine


Details: "According to the police, they are local residents and administrators of a Telegram chat."

Men and women mercenary spies for the Russian reporting the positions of Ukrainian troops. Endangering Ukrainian military personnel to enemy artillery fire.

"A woman and two men gave the occupiers [Russians] the coordinates of the deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the locations of shell strikes. Law enforcement officers exposed the entire chain of occupier accomplices, who collected information for the Russian forces using a messenger app."

"It was established that the woman, a 29-year-old resident of Toretsk, provided information about the location of the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for money."

Under normal circumstances these three individuals will be given a speedy but fair trial, found guilty, executed all in a single day. Perhaps better to imprison and use later for barter as part of prisoner exchange.

American soldiers landing on the beaches of Normandy, 6 June 1944 told in advance to keep your distance from French civilians, cordial and civil but nothing more. French Vichy collaborators working for the German as artillery spotters the fear.


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