Thursday, July 7, 2022

Scrimger VC.

This is coolbert:

Honestly I am surprised even such a film still in existence. 

Testing of poison gas delivery system and protective gear World War One as worn by the troops. PRIMITIVE!

"An early chemical warfare test conducted by the Russian Army during World War I."

To the video courtesy You Tube:

Asphyxiating chemical warfare choking agents of the Chlorine/Hydrogen chloride /Nitrogen oxides/Phosgene variety. Caged rabbits as exposed to the gas. Sprayers as used during the time to release the poison into the atmosphere. Allow the heavier than air gas to drift downwind toward the enemy. Gas settling in trenches, craters, dugouts. Death or severe damage to the lungs as a result if protective measures not taken. Russian personnel wearing only goggles and some sort of surgical mask probably soaked in an ammonia type chemical. Will neutralized the poison gas. Hopefully. And yes the rabbits died. Normally better to use sheep, pigs, goats for such experimentation. Body size about the same as a human, internal organ position in the body also similar to that found in a human.

And as to soaking the primitive cloth mask in a fluid to neutralize the choking agent, Canadian troops 1915 that first poison gas attack Ypres Two urinating on improvised cloth masks before donning them.

Troops as told to do so by a military doctor at the scene, Francis Scrimger:

"Captain Francis Scrimger (1880–1937), a physician from Montréal who commanded a medical station near Ypres, was among the first to identify the gas as chlorine. He instructed soldiers to cover their mouth and nose with a damp cloth, which offered limited protection. Scrimger’s bravery and devotion to his patients during the Second Battle of Ypres earned him a Victoria Cross, now part of the Canadian War Museum’s collections and on display in the exhibition."

"You can't say civilization don't advance... in every war they kill you in a new way." - Will Rogers.


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