Friday, July 15, 2022

Grumble SSM

This is coolbert:

From the Internet web site Strategy Page as reported surprising [?] use by the Russian during the Ukraine Conflict air defense missiles being used in the GROUND ATTACK mode.

Paragraph as extracted in entirety.

"Ukraine claims Russia is using 1.8-ton S300 (SA-10) SAM (surface to air missiles) as SSMs (surface to surface missiles)."

July 14, 2022.

Read all details of the S-300 SA-10 "Grumble" surface to air missile.

"The allegation was based on Belarus revealing that they had recently tested S300s acting as SSMs. The S300 was known to have been designed with SSM capability. That means one of launch options includes SSM mode. There are two major limitations to using a SAM as an SSM. One is accuracy at longer ranges. Russian SAMs are guided to the target using a ground-based targeting radar that guides the S300 to aerial targets up to 150 kilometers [ninety-three miles] away. SAMs are programmed to self-destruct if they miss their target so that the missile and its small (100-200 kg) warhead does not land on friendly territory. Used as an SSM the self-destruct is disabled and the guidance system aims the missile at a ground location, but less accurately than against aerial targets. Russia has apparently modified the SSM option to include a GPS option that directs the SAM to a specific ground location. The GPS option works, but not as accurately as expected. Ukraine believes that the Russians are running out of SSM missiles and using S300s as SSMs because there is not much need for their SAM capabilities, especially with the more recent and capable S400 now available."


* Undeniably the Grumble can carry an impressive amount of bang stuff a considerable distance to a target. About three-hundred thirty pounds of explosive in the warhead.

* Guidance to the target both by radar [fire control?] and GPS. So the weapon can be accurate.

* Obviously note the Russia thought through the process of having the missile with an on-call SSM capability. This is not an ad hoc measure!

* The Russian is running low of conventional tactical ballistic missiles of the Tochka or Iskander variety? Grumble as a very plausible alternative?

* American SAM of the Cold War era Nike-Hercules also having a SSM capability. Also radar guided to a ground target. The South Koreans their first indigenous SSM a reverse engineered version of the Nike-Hercules.

* And yes the Ukrainian air force threat deemed as not so significant that Grumble can be spared for the alternative ground-attack mode.


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