Friday, July 1, 2022


This is coolbert:

Technology but antiquated technology. Russian armor of the 1962 sort.

Some moved all the way from Sakhalin Island/Pacific Ocean to Ukraine? Long way to go from Sakhalin Island to the Ukraine. About six-thousand miles!!

"Russians withdraw old military equipment from storage on Sakhalin and in Kaliningrad Ministry of Defense"

"The Russian occupiers are withdrawing weapons and military equipment from storage in the most remote regions of Russia such as Kaliningrad Oblast and Sakhalin Island."

Military gear being taken from storage to include as mentioned the Soviet era T-62 tank. T-62 as first fielded in 1962. T-62 an improved version of the Soviet T-54/55 tank. Need I say what 54/55 stands for?

From Ukrayinska Pravda story by MAZURENKO ALONA – 30 JUNE 2022. Tip from

From comments to the article:

Jeremy: 4 hours ago:

"T-62?  The one's that stored their fuel pods on the outside of the vehicle?  Ohyes, please.  I'm sure we would love to have some popovers for this evening.  We'll roast marsh mellows afterwards.  And all that thick armor doesn't really do to well with 2022's version of Sabot rounds.  T-62's were beasts back in the day, but their tracks kept breaking every single time a TOW missile launcher hit them, turning the tanks into nothing but expensive pillboxes. I do believe Afghan forces then starved out the tank crews, who waited outside for the troops to come out, after they ran out of ammo.  This is Russia's military plan?"

Simo Hayha: 3 hours ago:

"Rotten tires, dried up seals, corroded electronics (probably vacuum tubes), they will conscript all the mechanics in the country just to get them to start."

yxk0012: 4 hours ago:

"Old tanks can still be used for ambush attacks, or as stationary gun emplacements. That's what they used to do in the last war - used dug-in old tanks as mini-bunkers."

yxk0012 "is correct. Tanks of that vintage [1962] still have a certain usefulness if utilized in the right sort of mission. Soviet Fortification Troops using antiquated armor as fixed fighting positions on the Chinese border, 'mini-bunkers' as described."

T-62 will be used in the "fortification" type of scenario? That remains to be seen!


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