Sunday, July 17, 2022


This is coolbert:

From DEBKAfile and thanks to same. 

Of course you can easily understand this story is of immediate interest to me.

Some answers are due here but don't expect to get them?

"Ukraine cargo plane that crashed over Greece carried 'dangerous materials'"

Jul 17, 2022

"According to Greek state TV, experts will use a drone to approach the crash site of a Ukraine-operated aircraft after two firefighters were hospitalized with breathing issues from toxic fumes. The Ukrainian Antonov An-12 cargo aircraft crashed Saturday night near Pleochori village in northern Greece. Greek media said the plane was carrying 12 tonnes [thirteen English tons] of dangerous materials, mostly explosives, and eight people were believed to be on board. People living in a 2km [three-quarter of a mile] radius were told to stay home, shut their windows and wear masks."

As reported by other media: "The plane was on a commercial transport flight from Serbia to Jordan . . . a 'dangerous cargo' had been on board the An-12 aircraft, owned by Ukrainian cargo operator Meridian, during a commercial flight with the route Serbia-Jordan-Bangladesh"

I seriously doubt we will hear details even with time. Maybe nothing out of the ordinary here. But you cannot be faulted for suspicions you may have. Surely that is so!


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