Tuesday, July 26, 2022


This is coolbert:

Continuing posts the Ukrainian Conflict source "Ukrainian Truth".

"Pilots of Russian state airlines participate in the war against Ukraine Intelligence"


"Pilots and aviation personnel of Russian state airlines operating within the structure of the Ministry of Defense of the occupying country [Russia] are involved in the Russian military aggression against Ukraine."

Source: "Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine"

Quote: "The crews of AN-124-100 and IL-76 MD aircraft have repeatedly transported personnel, weapons and military equipment to participate in the war against the people of Ukraine."

"On social media and in private conversations, airmen express dissatisfaction with their participation in servicing of the combat operations, complain about the impossibility to go abroad for themselves and their families and discuss their prosecution and punishment for war crimes after the inevitable military defeat of Russia."

Russian civilian aircraft being used in the military role as transports. Pilots in the Soviet fashion even while not on military duty having a reserve status and liable to be called to active duty on a moments notice. USA has a somewhat similar aviation structure and used during the recent Afghan evacuation.

All Soviet/Russian civilian aircraft designed from the start with military use as an option, features incorporated that make for a very quick reconfiguration on command?

"I was only obeying orders. I am just a little man. I have done nothing seriously wrong."


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