Thursday, June 23, 2022


This is coolbert:

 “Unfortunately, I agree that there was a lack of training ammunition from the start. It is a logistical problem that was not solved in time. It should have been there, and it did not come, so it's a mistake. There is no good explanation for this. That shouldn't have happened,” - Lønborg.

NATO troops their funding for training sorely lacking. After many decades of denial and an almost lack of funding through budget cuts the chickens come home to roost. No good explanation other than cheapness.

"Danish Soldiers Sent to Latvia 'Lack Everything From Ammunition to Underpants'"

From the Russian controlled [?] Internet media outlet and thanks to same. 


"Analyst Alexander Høgsberg Tetzlaff attributed the dramatic shortages to several years of cuts in military spending, calling it a 'huge problem'. Previously, Denmark has received criticism from NATO for not having stockpiled enough ammunition.

More likely several decades of "cuts" in military spending. 

"At the beginning of May [2022], 350 Danish soldiers were sent to Latvia with a few days' notice – ostensibly in a bid to 'deter' Russia. Subsequently it has transpired, however, that they are ill-prepared and unable to maintain a high level of combat."

Soup to nuts type of stuff it seems. Ammunition, tents, clothing. The bare essentials almost literally so!

Agreed amount of spending at a minimum and pledged never achieved. Even when acknowledged as a problem for NATO remedy never implemented. The changing geo-political situation in Europe now has the attention of everyone. Damage consider done a long time ago. Lots of catching-up-to-do and going to take some time and the resolve of various governments everyone doing their pledged share.

See previous relevant blog entries:


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