Monday, June 13, 2022


This is coolbert:

Lithuanian beware. The Russian has you in mind. And for no good.

"Russia Mulls Lithuania's 'Illegal' Independence From Moscow"

DIRE threats made by the Russian. Independent Lithuania must return to the fold. A NATO nation their independence as a sovereign nation being questioned in Moscow.

Newsweek ^ | June 9, 2022 | Brendan Cole

"A Russian lawmaker called for Lithuania's independence to be repealed, submitting a draft bill claiming the Baltic republic illegally left the Soviet Union more than three decades ago. The proposed legislation was submitted to the Russian lower house, the Duma, on Wednesday by Yevgeny Fyodorov, a member of the ruling United Russia party. In March 1990, Lithuania became the first republic to announce it intended to restore its independence from the disintegrating USSR, under whose control it had been for five decades after the Soviet army occupied it in 1940."

Lithuania a free and independent nation-state not existing until the aftermath of the Great War [WW1]. Prior to that had been for centuries [?] part and parcel of Imperial Russia.

INVASION and OCCUPATION in 1940 with communist oppression lasting the better part of five decades.

Lithuanians I would surmise hardly anxious to rejoin the Russian Commonwealth of Independent states.

Russian speakers Lithuanian claiming they are discriminated against and 2nd class citizens will appeal to their Russian brother Vlad?

A veiled [maybe not so veiled] threat is being made here within context of the Ukraine Conflict?


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