Tuesday, June 7, 2022


This is coolbert:

“'It is our [KAT] understanding that a group of soldiers from the 1st battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division purchased blow dart guns while on a recent training mission to Indonesia and brought them home to Hawaii,' . . . 'We have seen multiple cats with darts currently in them.'” - KAT Charities founder Dr. Karen Tyson.

MORE American military man behaving badly?

"Warnings of cat abuse, mutilations on Schofield Army Barracks | UPDATE"

By Kathryn Doorey KITV Jun 3, 2022 

Thanks to Russian media outlet Sputnik for the tip.

"HONOLULU (KITV4) - Feral cats around the Schofield Army Barracks base are being found mutilated, according to a press release from KAT Charities Animal Rescue."

"According to the release, two cats were found brutally mutilated near the Popeyes on base. These cats were found to have a slit down their stomach with their intestines and organs spilling out. One cat was also treated with blow dart injuries, and several reports have been made about cats being shot at with blow darts."


"The barracks are home to many feral cats [domestic gone wild], and volunteers feed and conduct trap, neuter, release (TNR) efforts to curb the overpopulation." 

Cats even when subjected to the TNR process still can be carriers of disease? A better remedy is to trap the cats and remove from the military base. All of them!


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